Spelling Homework Menu

Spelling Homework Menu

Spelling is an independent activity in 3rd grade. How much timer you spend on spelling homework depends on how much time you need to be successful. You have two weeks to study the words, the spelling rule, or generalizations. Here are some activities that can help you study. 

1.  ABC Order

Write all of your spelling words in alphabetical (ABC) order.
2.  Vowel Spotlight

Write your words using one color for the vowels and another color for the consonants.
(vowels: a, e, i, o, u)
3. Write each word 5 times each.  Say the word as you spell it.
4. Sentences

Write a sentence with each word. One word per sentence. 
5. Picture words

Draw a picture and hide your spelling words in the picture.
6. Shape Words
s p
s p e
s p e l
s p e l l
s p e l l i
s p e l l i n
s p e l l i n g
(or make them boat shaped, wagon shaped, smiley face, etc.)               
7.”Ransom” Words

“Write” your words by cutting letters out of a newspaper or magazine and gluing the letters on a piece of paper to spell your words.
8. Rainbow Words

Write your spelling words with colored pencils. Make each letter a different color.
9. Story

Write a story with your words. 
10. Practice test
 Have an older sibling or parent give you a practice spelling test. 

11. Flashcards

Make a set of flashcards for studying your words. 
12. Word Search

Create your own word search with your spelling. Show the answers to your puzzle. 

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