Grading Policy

3rd Graders get real grades which is both exciting and frightening for children.  Always encourage your child to do their best, but don't set a grade expectation until your child has settled in.  Remember, reaching a level 4 in second grade only means that your child "mastered" the grade level tasks, it doesn't indicate whether they will be an A, B or C student in 3rd grade.

90-100%     A
80-89%       B
75-79%        C

70-74%        D
below 69%    F

Daily assignments including quizzes, worksheets, reading responses, reading logs, and participation are counted as 70% of their total grade.  Assessments/projects make up 30% of the student's total grade.  Our goal as teachers is to support all students in their learning.  If a student scores below a 70%
 on any graded assignment or test, we will work with your child in a small group to reteach the concept.  An assignment might be corrected with the teacher, or independently as the situation warrants.  If the failing grade was earned on a test, the student will take a retest independently after reteaching sessions.

The highest grade that can be earned on either corrected work, or a retest is 
70%.  To clarify, if your child retook a math test and scored an 85% on the retest, we as teachers would celebrate the growth and your child will have the necessary skills for future assessments -- but the 
recorded grade would be a 70%.

Incomplete Work

Children learn at different rates, so as much as possible we offer students extra time if they need it to demonstrate their learning.  There are situations when a student does not use class time wisely, either delaying, socializing or allowing too many assignments that are partially finished to accumulate .  When this happens, teachers may ask students to come at 7:15 in order to finish their assignments.

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